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December 5th, 2023

Communications Committee Report (Fall 2023)

AAUP Bucknell’s Communications Committee sees its charge as facilitating communication among all employees at Bucknell, because we know that communication creates community, and community engenders power. The committee’s fall 2023 goal was to make AAUP Bucknell a consistent presence in people’s inboxes and across campus.  Toward this end, we began the monthly newsletter (which you’re reading) linked to regular blog posts on the AAUP Bucknell website. The website and newsletter inform readers about best practices for building collective power (“Strategies for Solidarity”), the impact of AAUP Bucknell and AAUP national (“the AAUP Difference”), news related to our 2023-24 goals (“Workplace […]

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December 5th, 2023

Workplace Democracy and Voice Committee Report (Fall 2023)

In Fall 2023, the Workplace Democracy and Voice committee identified its charge as developing proactive plans for shared governance mechanisms already existing and to facilitate communication among staff who often feel siloed by current communication practices at the university. Toward this end, the committee reached out to the University Staff Personnel Committee to encourage USPC to be more forthcoming about their work and its outcomes, to which the co-chairs replied that they are exploring how to provide monthly updates. This advocacy to get USPC to work for staff will continue into Spring. The committee’s conversations also revealed the need to […]

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December 5th, 2023

Work and Pay Committee Report (Fall 2023)

AAUP Bucknell’s Worksharing and Pay Transparency Subcommittee reported back to the  chapter a busy and exciting semester. The subcommittee is continuing efforts from previous years that made strides in pay transparency and generally increasing the knowledge on campus of what salaries look like for faculty and staff across campus by Dr. Clare Sammells’ opt-in salary sharing survey. The subcommittee is expanding to ensure that AAUP and others have access to information about pay bands across all university employees. Maintenance of that database, particularly as compensation and job descriptions change, is critical for employees at Bucknell in a range of roles. […]

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October 27th, 2023

Tenure for the Common Good

It’s no secret that college campuses have a range of labor relations, which can create a sense of competition and scarcity among divisions and even within departments. Bucknell relies on the labor of more than 1500 employees—ranging from non-tenure-track, tenure-track and tenured faculty, a wide range of staff positions, student employees, and subcontracted workers like those employed by Parkhurst Dining Services. With the exception of tenured faculty, all these workers are at-will employees who can be fired at a moment’s notice. In 2017, a group of tenured faculty members from across the US founded “Tenure for the Common Good” which […]

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October 27th, 2023

Shared Governance Violations in Changes to the Committee on Staff Planning?

In many ways, AAUP Bucknell grows out of recent struggles over shared governance spearheaded by the Ad Hoc Shared Governance Review Committee (2023-23) whose work continues in the Ad Hoc Shared Governance Review Implementation Committee (2023-25). AAUP Bucknell seeks to support faculty shared governance while also promoting broader workplace democracy for all Bucknell employees. What would it mean to meaningfully include faculty, staff, and students in resource allocation through forms of participatory budgeting? How would the relationship between faculty, staff, students and administration change if administrators were evaluated by the employees they manage? How would the direction of the university […]

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October 27th, 2023

Hot Union Summer Wins

After many years of retrenchment driven by anti-union legislation (e.g. “Right-to-work” laws) and judicial decisions (Janus vs. AFSCME (2018)), recent years have seen an heartening uptick in union activity spearheaded by K-12 teachers and their unions: the 2018 Red State Revolt across many right-to-work states followed by the long but effective Chicago Public Schools strikes in 2019 and the short and effective Los Angeles United School District strikes in 2023. With SAG-AFTRA, WGA, and now UAW strikes, Summer 2023 was dubbed “Hot Union Summer.”  The latest issue of Academe, AAUP’s magazine which you receive when you become a dues-paying member, […]

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October 27th, 2023

Academic Freedom against Rising Authoritarianism

The latest war in Israel-Palestine has again riled campus politics prompting many university presidents to condemn the deaths on both sides of this conflict and student groups to rally around occupied Palestinians’ struggle for self-determination and Israeli’s right to self-defense. At the same time, there are those in the media, on campuses, and in board rooms, who are calling for purity tests in an attempt to stifle this democratic debate.  We see similar attempts to stifle democracy playing out in legislatures and college campuses across the country. The so-called “Stop Woke” movement seeks to use the legislative process to force […]

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September 25th, 2023

Update on Sojo Res College

Over the summer, we learned  that the Social Justice Residential College for 2023-24 had been canceled through senior fellows who were told that they would need to shift their teaching schedules as junior fellows were told they would need to identify alternative housing and employment for the year. The announcement to cancel this living-learning community was especially shocking as it seemed to happen suddenly and unilaterally, came on the heels of a supreme court decision against race-conscious admissions programs in higher education, and could potentially appear targeted against a high-impact educational practice that alum identified as “a refuge for [minoritized] […]

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September 13th, 2023

Why Does Bucknell Have So Few Low-Income Students?

Bucknell was mentioned in the New York Times this week but not in a very flattering light. In the conversation around the Supreme Court decision striking down race-based affirmative action, the question of class has been raised again and again. This week the New York Times published its Student Access Ranking (just one week before the expected release of the infamous U.S. News and World Report), which offers an analysis of 250 colleges and universities by percentage of the student body who are Pell Grant recipients, their chosen proxy for class. The ranking is attached to the New York Times […]

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September 8th, 2023

2023-24 Priorities and Working Committees

The first chapter meeting of AAUP Bucknell on August 25 played host to a robust conversation among 40 faculty and staff to set the chapter’s agenda for 2023-24. The standing charge of AAUP is: Our 2023-24 goals and priorities are: These 4 priorities correspond to our 4 working committees which are entrusted to craft and execute strategies for achieving these goals. If you’d like to participate in a working committee, you do not need to be a dues-paying member. Just fill out the AAUP Bucknell membership form and get in touch with the members of the executive council.

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