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Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

In Defense of the Right to Free Speech and Peaceful Protest on University Campuses 

AAUP Bucknell,  AAUP national, and dozens of chapters across the country defend the right to free speech and peaceful protest on university campuses, including Bucknell Students for Justice in Palestine and other organizations on Bucknell’s campus. We condemn the militarized response by institutional leaders to these activities, and we vehemently oppose the politically motivated assault on higher education.  Our colleges and universities are places of free and open expression, inquiry, and debate. Even in sharp disagreement, our goal is communication in service of learning and understanding. The critical evaluation of different points of view and the questioning of even the most deeply held beliefs […]

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Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

AAUP Bucknell Stands in Solidarity with Bucknell Residential Adviser Union (OPEIU 153)

On Monday, March 4, student-employee residential advisers filed a petition asking the Bucknell administration to voluntarily recognize their union by this Friday, March 8. At the same time, they filed for recognition with the National Labor Relations Board, the federal body that adjudicates the National Labor Relations Act which guarantees all private sector employees their rights as workers including the right to organize and advocate for fair pay and working conditions, with or without a union. The Bucknell Residential Adviser Union is backed by 77% of residential advisers and supported by the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local […]

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Friday, March 1st, 2024

Take Action ! February 2024

Advocate AAUP Values Everyday  AAUP Bucknell encourages members and participants to advocate for our values of academic freedom, workplace democracy, equitable compensation, and fair work distribution. Regardless of your position at the university, whether faculty, staff or student worker, you can be an advocate knowing that AAUP has got your back. Here are some ways: Advocate AAUP values at . . .

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Friday, March 1st, 2024

Chapter Meeting: February 2024

Our AAUP chapter convened in person and on Zoom on February 9, 2024 for our first meeting of the calendar year. Despite finding ourselves in the throes of the semester, turnout was robust, with several  members also tuning in virtually. We welcomed new members with a round of introductions.  Executive committee lead Ken Field then took on the first item of business: reviewing the recent NLRB ruling resulting from the VAP organizing effort last year. Ken encouraged new members to continue to reach out to colleagues and coworkers, while emphasizing positive and inspiring themes. He went on to explain that, […]

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Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

Workplace Democracy and Voice Committee Report (Fall 2023)

In Fall 2023, the Workplace Democracy and Voice committee identified its charge as developing proactive plans for shared governance mechanisms already existing and to facilitate communication among staff who often feel siloed by current communication practices at the university. Toward this end, the committee reached out to the University Staff Personnel Committee to encourage USPC to be more forthcoming about their work and its outcomes, to which the co-chairs replied that they are exploring how to provide monthly updates. This advocacy to get USPC to work for staff will continue into Spring. The committee’s conversations also revealed the need to […]

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Friday, October 27th, 2023

Shared Governance Violations in Changes to the Committee on Staff Planning?

In many ways, AAUP Bucknell grows out of recent struggles over shared governance spearheaded by the Ad Hoc Shared Governance Review Committee (2023-23) whose work continues in the Ad Hoc Shared Governance Review Implementation Committee (2023-25). AAUP Bucknell seeks to support faculty shared governance while also promoting broader workplace democracy for all Bucknell employees. What would it mean to meaningfully include faculty, staff, and students in resource allocation through forms of participatory budgeting? How would the relationship between faculty, staff, students and administration change if administrators were evaluated by the employees they manage? How would the direction of the university […]

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Monday, September 25th, 2023

Update on Sojo Res College

Over the summer, we learned  that the Social Justice Residential College for 2023-24 had been canceled through senior fellows who were told that they would need to shift their teaching schedules as junior fellows were told they would need to identify alternative housing and employment for the year. The announcement to cancel this living-learning community was especially shocking as it seemed to happen suddenly and unilaterally, came on the heels of a supreme court decision against race-conscious admissions programs in higher education, and could potentially appear targeted against a high-impact educational practice that alum identified as “a refuge for [minoritized] […]

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